
Charter Keck Cramer Research delivers forward looking, evidence-based analysis and insights to inform strategic property development decisions.

Our proprietary National Apartment Database, managed in-house and continuously updated since 1995, provides comprehensive industry market insights, inclusive of property development market research and property development strategy, covering Australia’s Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Gold Coast, Adelaide and Canberra capital city markets.

Charter Keck Cramer Research draws on the significant in-house Valuations expertise and knowledge to provide tailored project insights.

Our market research services include:

  • Property Market Research & Analysis – All Asset Classes
  • Demographic Reviews
  • Apartment Project Benchmarking Analysis & Competitive Analyses
  • Maintenance of a Comprehensive National Apartment Database since 1995
  • Build to Sell Product Mix & Pricing Advice
  • Build to Rent Specialist Advice
  • Briefings / Presentations & Workshops
  • Forecasting and Big Data – forward looking analysis with a property focus
  • Bespoke / Customised Research 

Charter Keck Cramer’s Research team incorporates leaders in land use planning and strategic assessments with a growing track record of working with our clients to shape critical strategic directions and the underlying evidence to justify key strategic moves. 

Our land use and strategy services include: 

  • Strategic land use planning 
  • Land supply audits 
  • Population, housing and employment analysis and forecasts 
  • Housing capacity assessments 
  • Housing strategy development 
  • Economic Development
  • Urban Economics
  • Planning reviews
  • Commercial, retail, and industrial floor space supply and demand assessments
To learn more, get in touch with us

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